
Live review: Paerish (Trabendo, Paris)


This past Friday, I did something I had not done since the twenty-ninth of February, 2020: I attended a live show. Live music? In 2021? Not on the Internet? You must be crazy.

The event, including two bands (French outfits Paerish and Mascara) as well as DJs, is organised by the Supersonic, a venue in Paris that is notorious for regularly presenting free live music. Over the years, they have had the likes of Tiny Moving Parts, Microwave, Lizzy Farrall, Lime Cordiale, Jeff Rosenstock or Fangclub playing, as well as some cool local bands to watch such as Atlas For Home, Back On Earth, or Two Trains Left. They have moved their free live events to the outside area of the Trabendo, another famous Parisian venue, and started everyone's come back to live music.

The evening started with French band Mascara and, for the most part, it felt strange actually watching humans playing music for real, with instruments, in front of me and in person, as opposed to the Internet, where I have watched a large number of livestreams since the start of the pandemic. Mascara are local, straight from Paris, and are brand new on the scene- they only have a few EPs out, the latest one, Cameo Blue Estate, having been released in July 2020. Watching them and going in blind, I thought one thing: I will be listening to them when I go home, which I believe is the point of a support band. If you find yourself being interested in discovering more about them, it means they have done it right. In all fairness, they have done it more than just "right," they have done it extremely well, and I loved the distinctive vocals and the perfect blend of melody and heaviness in their music.

Paerish is a name I remember seeing quite a lot over the past five years or so, since the release of their first album, 2016's Semi-Finalists. (After verification on my end, I knew I had not dreamt seeing their name pass by when they supported none other than pop-punk legends Sum 41 in 2017.) They have released their sophomore album, Fixed It All, in 2021, and this evening at the Trabendo was the first time they got an opportunity to play those new songs live- they go on composing the largest part of the setlist. On my end, I ended up listening to Paerish when they appeared on my Spotify suggestions earlier this year, and I immediately clicked with their traditional emo sound, right up my raging emo alley.
After eighteen months without live music of any kind for most of us, the excitement and pure joy are palpable in the crowd. Immediately, people start singing along, undoubtedly having listened to the new album since its recent release, and it doesn't take long for a moshpit to start close to the stage. (I know I am usually known for my heavy moshpit presence, but I chose to dance like your average white dad after three beers at their neighbour's barbecue, this time around. One step at a time.) Even when you are not a part of it, it's simply so joyous to watch, a dose of pure serotonin straight into everyone's veins. Many are the people running by the Trabendo (there is a platform up the side of the neighbouring Philarmonie de Paris) and stopping by, taking pictures, probably surprised at the sight of something very few people have seen in the past year and a half. People even crowdsurf at the end of an electric forty-five-minute set, concluded by a surprise brand new song.

All in all, it was a perfect way for me to get back on the live music train. I have coped surprisingly okay for the most part, even though I am now dying to get back into the heart of things, but seeing people mosh, crowdsurf, and even do something as simple as singing along made me quietly emotional. Maybe we've all taken these things for granted, you know. Live music, audiences, connecting with like-minded people over the easiest and most universal form of communication, music, culture. Maybe we've taken it all for granted, and the after part of the pandemic needs to be all of us fighting tooth and nail for it.

I'll start by seeing Paerish and Mascara again when they come through town.

Check out Mascara on their Bandcamp here

Check out Paerish on Spotify here. (My personal favourite songs are Fixed It All, Violet, and You & I, featuring Pat Miranda of Movements.)

(Disclaimer: Everyone present at the event either had to show proof of double vaccination or a negative COVID test.)

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