Dear future me.


Dear future me.

(Before I start, I just want to share the blog where I found the idea. It's literally the cutest blog I've ever read, and, yeah, here you go. It's in French, I know, sorry dear English speakers.
PS : dear owner of said cutest blog, thank you)

Dear future me,

Hello, it's me, twenty-five, almost twenty-six year old you. It's almost one in the morning and I just read the loveliest little blog ever, and it inspired me to write you a letter. 

I don't know where you are and I don't know what your life's made of, but I hope you're happy. I hope you're fulfilled and you don't have to worry about how you're going to pay your rent or your Slam Dunk tickets or your shoes if they break. I hope you're actually still going to Slam Dunk every year and you've broken some sort of record because you've been going every year for over a decade or something. (Speaking of decades, I hope Decade are still a band)

I hope you found the one. The One with a capital O. I hope he makes you happy and you wake up every day fully knowing that someone loves everything about you. I hope you had a fight on what Jimmy Eat World album is your favourite but I also hope he appreciates Futures as much as you do. It may sound silly but I hope he likes the same music as you do and see the stars sparkle in your eyes when you rant about how much you love this or that band, the smile on your face when your favourite band walks on stage. Please tell me Jimmy Eat World are still a band. I'm writing to you two days after Slaves have broken up and on the day when Parker Cannon drop kicked a teenage girl in the back of her head, I don't need more negativity today. 

I hope he likes dogs as much as you do and I hope you have as many dogs as you have children. And a black house cat named Salem. I hope you made that dream come true. And the one of finding the one and having a family, of course, but we were on the topic of pets, so... So, yeah. I hope he sees the stars sparkle in your eyes when you talk about your favourite band and I hope he likes dogs just as much as you do and I hope he smiles when he sees you jamming to Together Again by Janet Jackson in the kitchen because I'm sure that's still going to be an immense tune in a decade or something and I hope he feels lucky to be with such a wonderful person as you are. I'm sure it hasn't changed and you're still wonderful.

I hope the world is a better place. I hope whoever is governing wherever it is you live has understood how important it is to protect the environment at all costs. I hope slut shaming isn't a thing anymore and whoever is the most famous person on Earth can post a naked selfie without having anyone yelling she's not a good role model. I hope the world has understood that it needs to spread love instead of hate. I hope there are no wars. I hope terrorism has stopped. I hope you can raise your children in a better place.

I hope you made your dreams come true. I hope you've been to every single Disneyland park in the world and I hope you've attended the Eurovision and I hope you've got tattoos and I hope you've met Taylor Swift and Charlie Simpson and I hope you've been to the Taj Mahal, the real one, not just the one in Brighton. I hope you have your own little corner of paradise with your bust and your old plates found in secondhand shops and your antique mirror with a big, golden frame and your heavy band flags on the walls and I hope the place is littered with your children's toys and with your dog's toys too. Unless you've become a domestic goddess and everything's organised. But please tell me your bright red While She Sleeps flag clashes with your floral couch or something. I hope you have a gigantic bookshelf and enough space for all your records and a garden full of flowers and space for your children and dogs to run free. 

I hope you still cook and I'm sure you still make a mean vegan banana bread. I hope you've stopped burning your toast every other day. I hope you've finished writing a book and sent it to an editor. I'm not saying I don't care if it's been published, I just hope you've found it in yourself to accomplish that massive step you've always wanted to take. I hope you still jam to pop punk bands when it's sunny and I hope you still tear up when you listen to emo bands and I hope you've hung on to that Sad Songs sweater. I hope you've kept your friends and made some new ones in the process. I hope you still feel like a badass bitch from hell when you listen to Blank Space by Taylor Swift. I hope you proudly tell your kids about that one time mummy fell over in a circle pit at Slam Dunk when you spin your Lost Forever // Lost Together vinyl. I hope you still like the same things but like a whole lot of new ones too. I hope your brother is still your best friend in the world and teaches your kids silly things to drive you crazy and I hope you're teaching them to kill the world with kindness like you do.

I hope you go to bed every night next to the person you love and you can fall asleep in the knowledge that everything is fine, and if you're ever sad, I hope he's there to grab your hand and tell you everything is going to be alright. I hope you wake up every day with a smile on your face because you have love, you have a family, you are fulfilled and satisfied with where you are. 

I hope you've had unicorn hair at some point. 

I hope you're happy.

Past me.

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